October 23, 2012 – Special Meeting
October 23, 2012
Supervisors; Chairman George C. Fluhr, Vice-Chairman Gregory Hoeper, Supervisor, Keith Raser, Solicitor, Jason Ohliger, Secretary, Diana Blume
Chairman Fluhr called the meeting to order at 9:01am. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE recited.
New Business:
• Discussion on replacing two Township Vehicles. (1) Ford Expedition and 2000 Ford F550. Motion to get prices to replace both vehicles, made by Supervisor Raser, second by Vice-Chair Hoeper, motion carried.
• Resolution 2012-07 Monroe County LSA Grant Application – Motion to adopt Resolution 2012-07 made by Supervisor Raser, second by Vice-Chair Hoeper, motion carried.
• Alternate Solicitor – Motion to appoint the Law Office of Galasso, Kimler & Muir as the alternate solicitor, subject to the same compensation schedule currently paid to Solicitor Ohliger, made by Chairman Fluhr, second by Vice-Chair Hoeper, motion carried.
• Wayne Bank Loan Commitment – Motion to authorize execution of the loan subject to the solicitor review for conformity of the Local Governmental Unit Debt Act. Loan Commitment of $194,000.00 made by Chairman Fluhr, second by Supervisor Raser, motion carried.
• Police Vehicle – Decal Dodge Charger – Motion to purchase decal for Police Vehicle in the amount of $750.00 and to have Spring House Garage apply decal with no charge for application. Motion made by Chairman Fluhr, second by Vice-Chair Hoeper, motion carried.
Public Comments:
• None
Motion to adjourn at 9:26am made by Supervisor Raser, second by Chairman Fluhr, motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted:
Diana Blume
Township Secretary