October 11, 2012 – Special Meeting
October 11, 2012
Supervisors; Chairman George C. Fluhr, Vice-Chairman Gregory Hoeper, Supervisor, Keith Raser, Solicitor, Jason Ohliger, Secretary, Diana Blume and all others on the attached list.
Chairman Fluhr called the meeting to order at 6:31pm. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE recited.
Motion to go into Executive Session in order to discuss personnel matters at 6:32 made by Chairman Fluhr, second by Supervisor Raser, motion carried.
Meeting reconvened at 6:41pm.
New Business:
Budget Workshop –
The Budget was discussed between the Supervisors, Township Treasurer and Solicitor. Each line item was presented to both the Board and the public.
Public Comments:
Carrie Thomas: asked questions about the amount in the budget made available to purchase a new computer.
Dave Farrington: asked what line items were included in the total amount for General Government. He asked if all insurances were listed under General Government.
Motion to adjourn at 7:16pm made by Vice-Chair Hoeper, second by Supervisor Raser.
Respectfully Submitted:
Diana Blume
Township Secretary